Motor Corps

This unit meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

The Motor Corps was organized in 1994 and consists of 52 members. The El Riad Shrine Motor Corps is unique in that it is the only Shrine Motor Corps in North American riding Harley Davidson Police Motorcycles.

The Corps’ primary function is to exhibit and compete with a precision drill team and parade at Shrine and Community events.


Cmdr. Lonnie Albers (Anne)
C: (605) 413-9169
E: [email protected]

Vice Cmdr. Tom Anderson (Jane)
C: (605) 366-6238
E: [email protected]

Adjutant Charles Ihlen (Emily)
C: (605) 251-2764
E: [email protected]

Road Captain Chris Hahn (Billie Jo Sherman)
C: (605) 310-9910
E: [email protected]

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