Legion of Honor

This unit meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

The Legion of Honor was organized in 1950 and is a member of the National Association of Legions of Honor.

The marching Foot Patrol and Color Guard lead El Riad Temple in all Ceremonial and Midwest Summer Session Parades and, in addition, participate in many temple functions throughout the year.

Past Legion of Honor Commanders

1975 Clarence Merritt
1976 Charles Dawdy, PP
1977 Merl Duba
1978 George Henningsen,PP
1979 John Nelson
1981 Mike Patrick
1982 Bruce Hundley
1985 Donald Hoffman
1988 William Polzien
1989 Leonard Mattke
1991 Charles Bledsoe
1992 Richard Avery
1993 Dennis Brierly
1994 Richard Daniels, PP
1995 D. E. “Bud” Shanks
1996 Merle H. Driggs
1999 Thomas E. Pennington
2000 Neil Nicholson
2001 Larry Albers
2002 Donald Budde
2003 Larry Zikmund
2004 Dennis Bachman
2005 Ron Hammer
2006 Ron Lockwood
2007 Grant Nehman
2008 Steve Butterfield
2009 Steve Butterfield
2010 Jim McKiernan
2011 Ron Knott
2012 Ron Hammer
2013 Ed Hoffman
2014 Merritt Hosley
2015 Brian Iverson
2016 Kevin Tomshack
2017 Scott Denney
2018 Nylis (Gene) Renschler II
2019 Ron Knott
2020 Scott Denney



Cmdr. Ron Knott (Diane)
C: 605-413-7053
E: [email protected]

1st Lt. Cmdr. Roger Coon (Lola)
C: 605-201-3363
E: [email protected]

2nd Lt. Cmdr. James McKiernan (cheryl)
C: 605-521-9947
E: [email protected]

Adjutant Scott Denney (Rhonda)
C: 360-323-9678
E: [email protected]

Treasurer Ronald Hammer
C: 605-201-2682
E: [email protected]

Captain (Foot Patrol) James McKiernan (Cheryl)
C: 605-521-9947
E: [email protected]

Chaplain George Hahn
C: 605-360-6639
E: [email protected]

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